Academic Programs

BS Electrical Engineering (PEC Accredited)

Overview Road Map Department of Electrical Engineering

Program Overview

The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering degree program is designed to develop entry-level, entrepreneurial engineering professionals who can effortlessly move into specialized technical and managerial positions after a few years of experience, and then some years later, into leadership engineering roles. The candidates for this degree program can specialize in Electronics or Telecommunications. Graduates of this program are employed by a diverse technology-focused private and public sector organizations.


The BS Electrical Engineering degree program is 135 credit hours.

Hec / Pec Guidelines

Curriculum of BS Electrical Engineering is in compliance with guidelines of HEC/PEC. Breakup of Engineering and non-Engineering courses is appended below:

Course Type

No. of Courses

Credit Hours


a. Engineering Courses



71.1 %

b. Non-Engineering Courses



28.9 %




100 %

System of Instruction & Examinations (As Evident by Course Files)
All undergraduate (BS) programs in the School of Engineering are semester-based four-year degree programs, in line with the HEC/PEC guidelines. The course files are available in the SEN office.


UMT follows semester system as defined by the Higher Education Commission. There are two regular semesters (Fall and Spring). Each semester is spread over 17 weeks (inclusive of exams). Summer session comprises of 8 weeks.


The students are evaluated in accordance with the following criteria:

In theory subjects/courses the midterm exam carries 25-30% marks and endterm exam carries 50% marks. The remaining marks are allocated to quizzes, assignments, and presentations, etc. The subjects/courses having laboratory component are treated as a separate independent subject/course and this is assessed in continuous mode against 40% marks and the end term viva voce is held for 60% marks


Courses are taught from textbooks (latest editions whenever possible), which are used in reputed international and national universities. Multiple copies of text books are available in the university’s library. Students are strongly encouraged to purchase their own copies of course textbooks.

Net Instructional Hours

For a three credit-hour theory course, there are 45 contact hours of lectures per semester. For a four credit-hour theory and laboratory course, there are 45 contact hours of lectures and 15 (3-hour) laboratory sessions.

Curriculum Revision

A departmental curriculum committee periodically reviews and proposes updates so as to keep inline with the international universities. The updated curricula are presented to department’s Board of Studies for their feedback and approval. The curricula approved by the Board of Studies are then presented to the Faculty Council and finally to the University’s Academic Council for approval.

PEC Accreditation Status of BSEE

Sr. No. PEC Visit Date Intake Status
1   Zero Visit June 09, 2014 Batch 1   Green signal granted to start the program
2   Interim Visit May 20, 2016 Batch 1   Permission granted to continue the program
3 Final Accreditation Visit December 11-12, 2018 Batch 1  Accreditation Granted
4 Re-Accreditation Visit November 12-13, 2019 Batch 2 Accreditation Granted
5 Re-Accreditation Visit November 12-13, 2019 Batch 3 Accreditation Granted

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BS Electrical Engineering

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