Academic Programs

MS Mechanical Engineering

Overview Department of Mechanical Engineering

Program Overview

The MS Mechanical Engineering Program prepares participants to work in applied fields including thermal power, emissions controls, design, structural analysis, automatic controls, fluid dynamics and emerging areas in alternative energy. The program is focused on teaching students how to apply knowledge and experience to establish careers in global marketplace and pursue advanced studies along with continued professional development.

Under the supervision of finest faculty, students investigate the advanced principles and applications of mechanical engineering and enhance their professional skills. They apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and mechanical engineering and perform experiments to analyze data. Student are encouraged to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, ethical, health and safety, and manufacturability. They work on multidisciplinary teams and use problem solving skills to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.

Mechanical engineering deals with the design, development, installation, operation and maintenance of anything that has moving parts. Because of this, students will find numerous opportunities in a range of areas including aerospace, automotive, construction, energy, manufacturing, medicine, railway and sport. They can work as product design engineers, mechanical engineers, analysts, consultants, controls and systems engineers, R & D, and robotics engineers.

Program Structure

It is a 30 Credit hours program offered as below.


Credit Hours

Core Courses








Duration: 2 Years

Entry Requirements:

1.  4-Years Bachelor’s degree and equivalent in relevant discipline Minimum (60%) marks in previous degree in case of annual system or (2.25/4.00) CGPA in case of semester system.

2.  Passing requirement of any specific entry test:

  • GRE / GAT / NTS (General) with at least 50% marks; or
  • UMT Graduate Admission Test with at least 50% marks.

3.  Admission Interview by UMT Graduate Admission Committee

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