Academic Programs

Road Map of MS Clinical Psychology

Overview Road Map

Semester I: Basic Foundations of Clinical Psychology

CoursesCredit hours
CP-600: Basic Clinical Skills 3 CH
CP-605: Psychopathology 3 CH
CP-610: Psychological Interventions 3 CH
CP-615: Clinical shadowing 3 CH

Semester II: Childhood and Adolescence  

CoursesCredit hours
CP-620: Developmental Psychopathology 3 CH
CP- 625: Clinical Placement and Case Studies (child)          0+4 CH
CP- 630: Research Methods 3 CH
Professional and Ethical Issues in Clinical Psychology 3 CH

Semester III: Adulthood & Senescence

CoursesCredit hours
CP-635: Adult Disorders (Assessment and Psychotherapies) 3 CH
CP-640: Clinical Placement and Case Studies (Adult)          0+4 CH
CP- 641: Statistical Methods in Clinical Psychology 3 CH

Semester IV: School Psychology and Research Project

CoursesCredit hours
CP-651: School Psychology 3 CH
CP-655: Clinical Placement and Case Studies (School)        0+4 CH
CP-645: Thesis 6 CH

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