Office of Controller of Examinations (OCE)

Final-Term Examination's Rules for Participants:

  1. Reach Examination room at least 10 minutes before the schedule time. No additional time shall be given to students arriving late.
  2. Students having short attendance in any of his/her course shall not be allowed to sit in the Examination room for that particular exam.
  3. Students may only bring basic writing material or authorized material in the examination room as permitted by invigilator.
  4. Students are not allowed to bring weapons of any kind in the campus and examination hall.
  5. Personal belongings such as bags / books /files may be taken into examination room and kept at the front stage / dice
  6. Switch of mobile phones / PDAs or any similar electronic gadgets that are prohibited in side the examination room. Mobiles must be 'switched off' (not on 'silent' mode) during the exam and must not be taken out from pockets or bags for any purpose. This will be taken as a UMC offence.
  7. Maintain complete silence in the examination room. Only raise your hand if any query and wait for the Invigilator to attend to you.
  8. Lending / borrowing of pen, pencil, ruler, calculator etc. is strictly prohibited in the examination hall.
  9. Produce UMT ID Card on the request of Resource person / Invigilator / Controller Examinations.
  10. Students must immediately complete particulars mentioned on answer books /extra sheets and write down their ID No. on the question paper as well.
  11. No rough work is to be done on the question paper. Any Student found writing anything other than own answer book will be considered as use of unfair means.
  12. Don’t forget to mark your attendance on the attendance sheet during the examinations. In case, your name is not listed, report to invigilator immediately.
  13. Remain silent and seated while your papers are being distributed or collected.
  14. Student found cheating; chatting, gesturing or miHSMhaving in the examination room shall be dealt with under the UMC rules.
  15. Any student using abusive or obscene language in the answer sheet shall be dealt with under disciplinary rules.
  16. Do not leave the examination room without prior permission of the invigilator.
  17. Students are requested to adhere with the examination rules prescribed by the university failing which strict action shall be taken as permissible under University rules.
  18. In case of Open book/Open Notes Exams, students must follow instructions given on the front page by the resource person and should not indulge themselves in conversation with one another. They are strictly not allowed to exchange their books/notes during the examination.
  19. Do not leave your seat during the exam, without getting permission from examiner.
  20.  You are not allowed to keep any other participant’s notes or photocopies. Keeping loose pages with you is also prohibited.
  21. You are only allowed to keep your own notes/book for the said examination.
  22. Do not look around under any circumstances. In case you need anything, please raise your hand.

Guidlines For Resource Persons / Invigilators

Invigilators shall carry out their responsibilities with the minimum of distraction and unnecessary harassment in the examination room. Instructions must be given to the students politely and prior to the commencement of examinations. The Examination Rules shall be posted on the examination hall, notice boards and UMT website for information to students before the start of examinations.

General Instructions:

  1. Resource Person / Invigilator shall reach to the Class Coordinator’s cabin at the designated floor / building, at least fifteen (15) minutes before the schedule time, to collect the answer sheets and other examination material for the scheduled exam.
  2. Permit the students in the examination hall after checking their Student ID cards. In case student does not have the ID card, he/she may be referred to the concerned Examination Officer.
  3. Shuffle students once they are seated in the examination room on their own.
  4. Open the seal of question paper envelope in the examination hall on the scheduled time in front of the students and distribute the question paper along with answer sheets and also circulate the attendance sheet to the students.
  5. Write down start and end time of the exam on the white board and also announce accordingly.
  6. Do not let students go outside the examination room until attendance list is not duly signed by all students.
  7. Do not leave examination room for any reason without arranging a substitute.
  8. Mobile phones or other prohibited electronic devices are banned. The students should not be allowed to bring these devices to the Examination Hall.
  9. Any student who commits any breach of academic honesty other than UMC will be subjected to action under Discipline statute.

    During Examinations:

  10. Do not let students lend / borrow of pen, pencil, calculator etc. during the examinations.
  11. During the exam supervise strictly that there is no cheating or use of any unfair means or copying or any consultation between the examinees. Additionally, students are not permitted to communicate by any means with another student or looking around. In such case, the Invigilator may shuffle the students or penalize the student by confiscating his/her paper for 5-10 minutes or may deduct 5-10 marks, which can be written and signed on the upper end corner of the student’s answer book. Even an attempt to do the above acts can be considered as UMC offense, depending upon the gravity of the case.
  12. If a candidate is found with any unauthorized material in his possession, the material will be confiscated and resource person / invigilator will record all the facts on the “UMC Proforma” and submit it to the Controller of Examinations.
  13. Invigilator will put his/her signature on the answer sheets / extra sheets of the students.
  14. No Student will be permitted to leave the examination room until after the expiry of thirty minutes from the commencement of the examination, except in special circumstances.
  15. Students are not allowed to take the question paper out of examination room if he/she completes the paper before the prescribed time.
  16. Only one student at a time will be allowed to go to washroom/toilet by submitting his/her answer sheet/extra sheet and question paper to the invigilator.
  17. Ensure that extra sheets are immediately signed and stapled when issued to the students.
  18. Resource Person / Invigilator will count answer books and fill up and sign the required information printed at the bottom of the attendance sheet. He/she will return the remaining answer books along with signed attendance sheet and a copy of question paper in Class Coordinator’s Cabin.
  19. Do not let students lend / borrow of pen, pencil, calculator etc. during the examinations.
  20. During the exam supervise strictly that there is no cheating or use of any unfair means or copying or any consultation between the examinees. Additionally, students are not permitted to communicate by any means with another student or looking around. In such case, the Invigilator may shuffle the students or penalize the student by confiscating his/her paper for 5-10 minutes or may deduct 5-10 marks, which can be written and signed on the upper end corner of the student’s answer book. Even an attempt to do the above acts can be considered as UMC offense, depending upon the gravity of the case.
  21. If a candidate is found with any unauthorized material in his possession, the material will be confiscated and resource person / invigilator will record all the facts on the “UMC Proforma” and submit it to the Controller of Examinations.
  22. Invigilator will put his/her signature on the answer sheets / extra sheets of the students.
  23. No Student will be permitted to leave the examination room until after the expiry of thirty minutes from the commencement of the examination, except in special circumstances.
  24. Students are not allowed to take the question paper out of examination room if he/she completes the paper before the prescribed time.
  25. Only one student at a time will be allowed to go to washroom/toilet by submitting his/her answer sheet/extra sheet and question paper to the invigilator.
  26. Ensure that extra sheets are immediately signed and stapled when issued to the students.

    After the Examinations:

  27. Resource Person / Invigilator will count answer books and fill up and sign the required information printed at the bottom of the attendance sheet. He/she will return the remaining answer books along with signed attendance sheet and a copy of question paper in Class Coordinator’s Cabin.

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