Ahsan Iqbal, Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reform, complimented Dr Hasan and his team for putting up such a great show. He said that we are witnessing an unprecedented time in human history. It is a time of the knowledge revolution. The speed of change is such that today’s success can become tomorrow’s failure. Just a few years ago, the stock of blackberry (a multibillion dollar company) touched 200$; now it has plummeted to a record low.

The Honorable Minister said that creativity and innovation are the two key drivers of change. In an age of innovation, brain power gives you the winning edge. That is why universities have to lead societies to innovation and success. He said that the 2025 Vision envisaged by the government looks at Pakistani society where we have brought the knowledge platform at the convergence of all stakeholders.

In 2013, a Newsweek Report labeled Pakistan as the most dangerous country on Earth. Today, all major publications are calling it as the next emerging economy in Asia. Pakistan is changing for the better. Every multilateral organization in the world is full of praises for Pakistan. The country today has the highest ever reserves of foreign exchange. Pakistan is getting a new identity as an IT power house. Built around innovation and creativity, the $50 billion dollar CPEC investment and development package has great potential. He concluded his address on an optimistic note. Pakistan is rising, he said. It is time for the youth to become entrepreneurs. Self belief, positive thinking, passion to achieve goals, ability to respond to change, and hard work and perseverance are the factors that will drive success.